little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

checkroot v1.4 released

Categoria: programs,
Origem: SecuritySW,
Língua: en,
reports an error if rpm --verify fails. ** important ** (problem has arosen due to a bug in rpm (bug 527191).
added the --update and --seekunknown switches: They provide a better coverage/hit rate where package headers have to be downloaded (due to an invalid signature).
continue scanning on reinvocation if interrupted by keyboard (even if root has different mountpoint),
rootkit.files: added rpm (a very common target for rootkits)

checkroot v1.1 released

Categoria: programs,
Origem: SecuritySW,
Língua: en,
skip intro if keys already fetched
python-rpm dependency dropped for readhistory
try to fetch with currently installed version-release-no if latest update does not show up in zypp history (f.i. if updated with rug) but assume same repo as before
setup ipc with readhistory: for future changes
option parsing improved

checkroot v0.9 released

Categoria: programs,
Origem: SecuritySW,
Língua: en,
better colorization: orange if signature invalid; red only if header download failed
best effort: try to verify even if signature invalid and header download failed (unless not disabled by -p)
updated: rootkit files (df, telnet, libc, kernel, ...)
offer a --verbose switch passed to rpm --verify
crop spurios % chars in uri: %253A -> %3A (%25~%) zypper bug? -> buildservice repos at
other improvements & bugfixes (option parsing, --freshen switch, errmsg if not root, repo-root guessing ...)

AdBlock List 2009-03-08

Categoria: programs,
Origem: MiscSW,
Língua: ,
Filterset G. based adblock list.

checkroot v0.8 update

Categoria: programs,
Origem: SecuritySW,
Língua: en,
fixed: spurious output of ps
fixed: interruptible by ctrl-c