little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

New Legislation Could Ban Glyphosate

Categoría: general,
Origen: action,
Idioma: en,
Next week the European Parliament will vote on legislation to make previously-secret industry studies available to the public. The EU has f.i. allowed the use of glyphosate for another five year basing on studies uprageously kept secret. This way it would be possible to prove the opposite of studies claiming that glyphosate was save by independent scientists.

Save the Tribes of the Amazon

Categoría: general,
Origen: action,
Idioma: en,

Ecuador´s president has fired his environment minister after he refused to open up the Yasuní National Park, home of Tagaeri and Taromenane peoples, for oil drilling. A former oil executive who had worked for the environment department should now rubber stamp the oil exploration plans as environment minister. Tell him to protect the Yasuní National Park. There has already been a catastrophic oil spill by Texaco in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

There are only four weeks left to prevent a genocide against the Kawahiva people in the Brazilian Amazon. Tell the justice minister of Brazil to put the land rights of the Kawahiva whose territory has already been mapped into force. Otherwise the new, right extreme president Jair Bolsonaro who regrets that the indigenous people of Brazil have not been wiped out yet would expell them from their land: take action with Survival International.

The Biofuture Platform: neither clean nor green

Categoría: general,
Origen: action,
Idioma: en,
Under the lead of the right wing extremer Jair Bolsonaro Brazil has initiated the so called 'Biofuture Platform' backed by 20 countries which wants to establish agrofuels as an alternative to fossil fuels. Unfortunately the climate impact of agrofuels is worse than the impact of fossil fuels. The plans would foster land evictions, food shortages, prevent real solutions to climat change and they are just too bad for biodiversity.

The Thriving Hunt for 4K/UHD/2160p/HiDPI

Categoría: techdoc,
Origen: article,
Idioma: en,
The corresponding patches for the radeon graphics cards have been adapted to a recent Linux kernel (4.20). Besides this we have a short description on how to apply the patches on other versions of the Linux kernel.

Sign the People’s Demands for climate justice

Categoría: general,
Origen: action,
Idioma: en,
Climate change is the biggest threat of our time. We need to achieve that all fossil fuels will stay in the ground and that we will cover our energy needs up to 100% by renewables so that we can keep global warming below 1.5°C. Next month our governments will convene at the COP24 to implement the Paris Agreement.