little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Mercosur, Brazil, the Amazon and We

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,

Marianne Grimmenstein has given us a few interesting sources about the Amazon, the Fires and the Mercosur trade deal. Most of the content can be auto-translated into English. The third article (Don Quixote on the Amazon) comments quite tellingly that the actions intiated by most NGOs are not prone to cause a sufficient change to the better. If the Mercosur trade deal is rejected that may prevent a future deterioration but it yet does not change the status quo. Austria has already rejected Mercosur in the European Council. Some investors have already started to withdraw from their engagements in Brazil. Finally if you speak German you may read quite an entertaining adventure of someone who has visited the Amazon (

Greenpeace on the other hand has issued a timeline of all major events since Bolsonaro´s take to power concerning the environment. It points out the criminal energy behind ther Bolsonaro government very well. You may read the original article in Portuguese or try an automatic English translation.

diskutils package: confinedrv v1.7.8

Category: programs,
Source: LinuxSW,
Language: en,
confinedrv is now part of the diskutils package. It newly contains programs for backing up and restoring sparse files, for binary diff and patch, for generating sha256sum lists and experimental scripts for shredding (safe delete) a disk installation. confinedrv itself has been extended for functionality to back up and use a whole partition table including intermediate spaces and for verifying, restoring and blanking the boot sector of a disk against boot viruses and malware.

Fridays for Future

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,
Come this Fridays, September the 20th to Fridays for Future. This time not only school children wanna strike but all people. It promises to become one of the biggest mobilizations. Not all events are visible on the homepage of; for Austria see at In Washington DC people wanna shut down the infrastructure of the city on 2019-09-23: ShutDown DC.

Mercosur Trade Agreement Shall Newly Allow Sanctions

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,

The government of Germany has now conceded that the Mercosur trade agreement does not allow sanctions in case of violations of the sustainability clauses like when burning down the Amazon. The German government has now proposed the European Commission to enable such sanctions after France, Ireland and Luxembourg are against a ratifictaion.

protect the rainforests of Gabon: petition of the World Rainforest Movement