little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

How Trump could seize power in 2024

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
While the Big Lie has radicalized tens of millions of Americans—some to the point of violence, Republican acolytes have rewritten election statutes to wrestle partisan control over ballot counts. Thousands or even millions of votes could no more be counted correctly at the next ballot in 2024.

The Fossil Fuel Fasciscts

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
I have read something, that you won't like to believe in a letter from 198methods, but something that is just very, very likely true. Read carefully and twice and don't even be in wonder if Joe Manchin is rewarded for sabotaging the Build Back Better Act. How can Americans be so crazy as to still vote Republican? The well renown computer scientist Noam Chomsky says that Trump is worse than Adolf Hitler, mostly because of his climate denial - and that the whole Republican party is not any better. Though there are many Republican voting americans who would also have welcomed the Build Back Better Act, there was no single Republican fossil fuel fascist who has compensated the missing swing vote of the Democrat Joe Manchin.

Programs for the TI-82 Pocket Calculator

Category: programs,
Source: MiscSW,
Language: en,
Enhance your TI-82 pocket calculator with programs for solving linear equations, calculating the inverse of a matrix, computing the greatest common divider, the smallest common multiple, prime factorization, cross product, unit vectors and the truth table of a boolean function. Have fun with a peacock drawn by polar coordinata.

¡Felices Fiestas / Compliments of the Season / Frohe Festtage / Joyeuses Fêtes!

Category: general,
Source: info,
Languages: de, en, pt, es, fr,
Ich möchte trotz Pausierung des Newsletters und aller derzeitigen Unwägbarkeiten allen ein frohes Fest wünschen. Datum und Uhrzeit der Nachricht online sind jene der Sonnenwende im Dezember 2021. ♦ Despite pausing the newsletter and all current imponderabilities, I would like to wish all compliments of the season. Date and time of the message online are those of the solstice in December 2021. ♦ A pesar de la pausa del boletín y todas las imponderabilidades actuales, me gustaría desearles todos los felicitationes de la temporada. La fecha y la hora del mensaje en línea son las del solsticio en diciembre de 2021. ♦ Malgré la pause de la lettre d'information et de toutes les impondérations actuelles, j'aimerais souhaiter à tous les félicitations de la saison. La date et l'heure du message en ligne sont celles du solstice en décembre 2021. ♦ Apesar de pausar o boletim informativo e apesar de todas as imponderabilidades atuais, gostaria de desejar todos os felicidades da temporada. Data e hora da mensagem on-line são as do solstício em dezembro de 2021. ∎

Charge Bolsonaro / Save the Yanomami!

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
We have already reported that Allrise has brought charges against Bolsonaro at the ICJ for crimes against humanity. Avaaz is now calling for support for the approval of the indictment. This could stop a future president of Brazil from destroying the Amazon and committing human rights violations. In 2020 we called for action on #MinersOutCovidOut and almost half a million people did sign it. Unfortunately Bolsonaro has done in deed nothing to stop the illegal gold diggers from bringing death, destruction, mercury contamination and disease to the Yanomami people; sign again!.