little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

¡Felices Fiestas / Frohe Festtage / Joyeuses Fêtes / Compliments of the Season!

Category: general,
Source: info,
Languages: pt, de, fr, es, en,
✨✨ 2023-12-22 03:27:15 UTC ✨✨ 🕞 🌅 es/pt: o[u]tras zonas horárias: ve[j]a ‘Opciones/Opções de Consulta’ y/e [l]a fecha del mensaje/do mensagem, fr: pour les autres fuseaux horaires, veuillez consulter les options de requête et regarder la date du message, de: andere Zeitzonen: Datum dieser Nachricht nach Einstellung von ‘FilterOptionen’ anschauen, en: Δtimezone: see the date of this message after setting the timezone at ‘Query Options’! 🥂 🥂 🍸🍸

webstat-bash v1.4.2: llogrotate, next-generation

Category: programs,
Source: LinuxSW,
Language: en,
llogrotate-ng, the program to rotate logfiles before new ones can be downloaded is now ready to be used. Up to now you had to use more-or-less directory specific bash scripts for this purpose, scripts which had to be adapted manually instead of featuring an own configuration file/section. In the README you can find interesting thoughts about program verification, directly provided by me. The difference to llogrotate-ng v1.4 is part of the explications, a program version I had written and claimed to be verified more-or-less by hand but which I could not test at that time. Have fun with llogrotate-ng, or the now for the first time being tested errorfree version!

webstat-bash v1.4: minifix & compatibility issues r.

Category: programs,
Source: LinuxSW,
Language: en,
Some smaller compatibility issues with webstat-bash have been resolved in the version now available: The script called count is now named itemcount. Under Linux a name clash with a totally different program also called 'count' (package llvm-test) caused problems when installed. If two different programs called the same get installed in the search $PATH, only one of them can be used without explicit specification of the path of the executable. Windows users will estimate the port to Python 3 since the rather old Python 2 may not be available or installed in every environment. Furthermore the new version contains a small fixup that makes count, countrytable as well as other sub-commands use the same search pattern counting all GET, HEAD and POST accesses on the web server (default mask inlined within the script, see more: http protocol). The implicit default command to list the country table shall now also work a bit faster, because it executes the record selection before the applied field reordering.

References/ Slides of the Talk: Refactoring

Category: general,
Source: article,
Language: en,
More or less by coincidence, I have found that one of the seminary papers, I had uploaded, was missing the literature list (AFAIK they were stored in a separate document.). The slides of the talk contain three references, but haven´t been available online, yet. A comprehensive list can now be found at the end of the paper. Using it, it should be possible to identify and check/verify used preexisting knowledge or preexisting knowledge referenced inside the text.

Complete Market, Environment and the Right of the Individual

Category: general,
Source: article,
Language: en,
Economic models like the Neoliberalism know only one side of the market, that is the side where private companies realize profits. However there is also another side, the side of common goods like nature, as we all need it for our live, as retreat or to be encouraged and to simply feel happy.