little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Price of Shame awarded to Pope Franziskus

Categoria: general,
Origem: info,
Língua: en,

On 2016-05-05 Pope Franziskus was awarded the price of 'Karl the Great'. Karl the Great made history for slaughtering the Sachsons in the former heart of Germany because they did not have had the 'right religion'. Pope Franziskus does also represent a church where todays pagans as well as truely loving people are excruciated cruel until they die. Sadly the excruciation or killing of those who do not have or who are suspected not to have the 'right believe' is still an issue today as this is a.o. hardly mentioned by the church; even more as Keiko Fujimori, daughter of Alberto Fujimori has never dissociated from the politics of her father who is responsible for the genocide of inidgenous people in Peru. It was carried out by forced sterilizations having induced life long suffering of the affected. Keiko Fujimori could win the second ballot in Peru on June the 5th.

Befittingly to the awarding of the price Pope Franziskus has held a canted speech about the migration politics of the European Union. Speaking to the issue of causes of flight and abscondance no sooner than today can be seen as pure derision; that would have had to be necessary more than half a decade before (f.i. how we have done so towards Mr. Jürgen Möllemnn in a talk of the Club of Rome in Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria almost 10 years ago.). Oh well, and someone who would not have to carry the burdening for an enforced migration has an easy stance in moralizing about the issue.

Update about TTIP / TTIP Leaks

Categoria: general,
Origem: info,
Língua: en,

TTIP would severely undermine environmental, labour and consumer protection standards in the EU differently from what the European Comisssion and the Federal Government of Germany have claimed. That is what can be extracted from the papers known as TTIP Leaks which had been passed on to Greeenpeace. Genetic engineering and hormone meet are also still part of the negotiations.

While the French ministery for foreign trade has already said according to the BBC on May the 3rd that negotiations about TTIP are likely to stop because they thwart the Paris Agreement on Climate, Mrs. Angela Merkel, the chancellor of Germany appears to remain obstinate. Ask Mrs. Angela Merkel now, who has not moved yet, to stop the negotiations about TTIP; take action (in German language) or directly ask the EU Commission to stop TTIP.

Save the Internet!

Categoria: general,
Origem: action,
Língua: en,

Net Neutrality is once more at stake in Europe. This means that encrypted data transfers could be thwarted in the future or that it could be no more free to download free software while offers of monopolists like Netflix would become cheaper or even free; all at your own cost! Do not let the free and innovative internet be turned into some sort of cable television; sign at!

From the side of the USA a new progress for DRM (Digital Rights Management) is looming which could become obligatory through the HTML5 standard. Certain functionality in your browser would be disabled or only still available at cost. DRM can not be implemented meaningful with free software like Linux oder Firefox. The responsible US-ministery has refused to accept a list of signatures by the FSF (Free Software Foundation). Protest against this misbehaviour and join them on Twitter or simply read more about it.

No Patents On Life!

Categoria: general,
Origem: action,
Língua: en,
Raise your voice against patents on conventional breedings. Unfortunately the given protest at the European Patent Office against Monsanto trying to appropriate common goods as nature needs to be signed today. Signature lists valid for a longer period of time are currently only available in German.

Our Moving to

Categoria: general,
Origem: info,
Língua: en,

In order to protect you as a visitor as well as our site we have moved to a new hosting provider which offers state of the art TLS encryption and an automatic verification of our security certificate via DNSSEC/DANE. Whenever you should visit our site from now on do that via TLS (https://) and assert the validity of our certificate via DANE. A browser plugin for DANE can be found at