little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Mini Step out of Coal at Blackrock

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
Blackrock has announced and divested from all companies that make more than 25% of their business volume with mining coal. However there is no divestment margin for burning coal as used for producing electricity. Nonetheless it marks a milestone that the world´s biggest investment fund does care about climate change in deed. Up to now it has only issued hollow statements of intent which it then did not follow - up to now. We would not have expected Blackrock to sell its shares of the German electricity companies RWE and Eon because of this. Now that is telling us that the persistent protests against the climate wracking investment policy of the fund did in deed already carry fruits!

Mini Kohleausstieg bei Blackrock

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,
Blackrock hat angekündigt und dann tatsächlich durchgesetzt all seine Anteile an Unternehmen, die mehr als 25% ihres Umsatzes mit Kohleförderung machen, zu verkaufen. Für das Verbrennen von Kohle zwecks Stromerzeugung gibt es eine solche Grenze allerdings bis jetzt nicht. Nichtsdestoweniger markiert es einen Meilenstein, daß der weltgrößte Finanzverwalter sich überhaupt um den Klimawandel schert. Bis jetzt hat es ja nur hohle Willensbekundungen gegeben, die ohne Effekt geblieben sind und die man als klassisches Greenwashing einstufen mußte - bis jetzt. Wir hätten nicht gedacht, daß Blackrock tatsächlich seine Anteile an den deutschen Konzernen RWE und Eon verkauft. Nun es sagt uns, daß sich persistenter Druck vonseiten der Zivilgesellschaft eben doch auszahlt!

diskutils package: confinedrv v1.7.10

Category: programs,
Source: LinuxSW,
Language: en,
bugfix(1): confinedrv did blend in the original disk instead of the specified partition image if access rights for the image were lower than for the subsequent partition.
bugfix(2): correct enforcement of access rights for blended in MBR image

Rússia proíbe OGM

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: pt,
A Rússia proibiu o cultivo de culturas geneticamente modificadas em 2016. A importação de certos produtos OGM também pode ser proibida com base em seus efeitos na saúde humana e no meio ambiente. Já havíamos relatado uma proibição total de OGM no Peru e seus antecedentes. A seguinte página pode fornecer uma visão geral da admissão de produtos OGM em diferentes países, embora o mapa anexo não corresponda totalmente à descrição.

Russia bans GMOs

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
Russia has forbidden the cultivation of genetically modified crops in 2016. The import of GMO products can also be forbidden basing on their effects on human health and the environment. We had already reported about a total GMO-ban in Peru and its background. The following website can give a broad overview of the admission of GMO products in different countries though the accompanying map does not fully match the description.