little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Briefwechsel mit den Zeugen Jehovas

Category: general,
Source: article,
Language: de,
Interessante Diskussion und Ansichten sowie was die Zeugen Jehovas derzeit über die Zukunft unserer Welt glauben.

xchroot v2.7 - entire X-sessions in chroot

Category: programs,
Source: LinuxSW,
Language: en,
xchroot v2.7 starts an own dbus session for the target user by default as many applications expect and as desktop environments like Xfce, Gnome or KDE require. Desktop file creation has been improved and is also used for exporting X-sessions like KDE or Gnome out of a chroot. Chroot escapes now do also work if an intermediately run program has closed the file descriptors so that you can also use it for desktop sessions. Another new feature is that xchroot can now also be used for merely switching the user with maintained X-access where no chroot is performed. This may be useful if you want to run your favourite browser cleanly separated with two different bookmark/history/other settings at the same time. The documentation about audio and user support as well as the intro has also been updated. /tmp mirroring has been made more secure by only exporting /tmp/.X11-unix by default. The old, possibly more compatible behaviour can be achieved with --on mirrtmp or permanently by adding mirrtmp to the MNTON variable definition at the beginning of the xchroot script. If multiple chroots to the same root and user occur, then the XAUTH-cookies for all chroots will now be merged into one file.

Europa: la exposición a la BPA será reducida

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: es,
Bisphenol A ahora finalmente fue clasificado por la Agencia Europea de los Productos Químicos (ECHA) como una “sustancia particularmente preocupante” y la Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (AESA, EFSA) recomienda reducir la DTA (recepción diaria tolerable) por el factor de 100.000 (mensaje Global2000). Esto no pasa mucho después de que el BUND alemán para el medio ambiente escribió: “Hace un año, eran colchonetas de yoga y saltadores, en el verano pasado envases de alimentos y ahora artículos de jardinería. Cada vez que probamos productos cotidianos para sustancias peligrosas, los encontramos en concentraciones tan terrible altas que nos somos obligados a contactar a las autoridades públicas”. Se han referido a plastificantes (agentes de suavizado), compuestos fluorados en chaquetas para o aire libre y retardantes de llama bromados, no solo a BPA/BFA. Ahora esperamos que Bisfenol A no solo sea reemplazada por otras sustancias nocivas como Bisfenol F o S, sino que los productores considerarán un rediseño real de sus productos utilizando sustancias inofensivas.

Europa: A exposição à BPA será reduzida

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: pt,
Bisfenol A agora finalmente foi classificado como uma “substância particularmente preocupante” pela Agência Europeia dos Produtos Químicos (ECHA), e a Autoridade Europeia para a Segurança dos Alimentos (AESA, EFSA) recomenda reduzir o DTA (diário tolerável) pelo fator de 100.000 (mensagem de Global2000). Isso não vem muito depois do BUND pelo meio ambiente na Alemanha escreveu: “Um ano atrás, eram tapetes de ioga e cordas de pular, no verão passado embalagens de alimentos e agora itens de jardinagem. Sempre que testemos os produtos diários por substâncias perigosas, os encontramos em concentrações tão terrivelmente altas que somos forçados a contatar as autoridades”. Eles se referem a plastificantes (agentes amolecedores), compostos fluorados em jaquetas para o ar livre e retardadores de chama bromados, e não apenas a BPA/BFA. Agora esperamos que o Bisfenol A não seja apenas substituído por outras substâncias nocivas, como Bisfenol F ou S, mas que os produtores considerarão um redesenho real de seus produtos usando substâncias inofensivas.

Europe: BPA exposure shall be reduced

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
Bisphenol A was now finally classified by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) as a “particularly worrying substance” and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommends to reduce the DTA (daily tolerable reception) by the factor of 100,000 (message Global2000). This does not come long after the German BUND for environment and nature protection wrote: “A year ago it were yoga mats and skipping ropes, last summer food packaging, now gardening items. Whenever we test everyday products for dangerous substances, we will find them in so terrifyingly high concentrations that we are forced to turn to the authorities.” They have been referring to softening agents, fluorinated compounds in outdoor jackets and brominated flame retardants, not only to BPA. Now we hope that bisphenol A will not just be replaced by other harmful substances such as bisphenol F or S, but that producers will take on a real redesign of their products using harmless substances.