little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

S-FSL v1.6 published

Category: programs,
Source: software-general,
Language: en,
Version 1.6 of the Scripting Free Software License has been published (S-FSL v1.6). Properties of the license: per file checksums, revenue dispense, disputed where first original author lives. Currently confinedrv-v1.7 is available under this license with the free branching option. Other programs provided by will follow on request or the next update.

confinedrv - release of v1.7

Category: programs,
Source: LinuxSW,
Language: en,
confinedrv limits read/write access for certain partitions of a hard drive in order to boot multiple times from the same hard drive with virtualization software like qemu.

improvements by version 1.7:
  • Certain boot problems which have arised under respective circumstances with v1.2.1 due to err-ing out gap spaces needed by grub or other loaders rather than zeroing them out or making them available as read-only should now be resolved (default currently is to zero out). It is important for grub that the partition where grub resides (i.e. the menu.lst) is at least readable.
  • choose for any of three modes for every partition: read, write, error or zero (sdx=sda:r1:e2,3:w5,6,7:z8); default is now to zero out any parition which has not been mentioned rather than letting any access err there (example makes a.o. partitions 5, 6, 7 writable and partitions 2, 3 err.).
  • The --gap and --mbr options provide means for specifying the access rights for gaps between primary partitions or all the space before the first partition including the partition table and the MBR respectively.
  • The [--noannot] --info sdx now provides a better readable map of the partition table annotated with symbolic references for the start and end of partitions by default. --loopusage shows all loop devices in use by confinedrv.

2014-09-11 - European Day of Action against TTIP, CETA and TISA

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,

A European Day of Action against TTIP, CETA and TISA will take place on the 11th of October. It will be promoted by " (TTIP Unfairhandelbar)", Attac and "Stop TTIP".

Actions near you:

Sign a European Citizens’ Initiative against TTIP:

Berliner Politik-Irrsinn: Schon wieder mehr Biosprit

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: de,
Berliner Politik-Irrsinn: Schon wieder mehr Biosprit

Es ist eine Gesetzesänderung gegen jegliche Vernunft: Anstatt weniger, soll ab 2015 noch mehr „Biosprit" in die Autotanks, hat die Bundesregierung beschlossen. Schon am 9. Oktober stimmt der Bundestag über die Erhöhung der Biospritquote ab. Noch können die Abgeordneten diesen Wahnsinn stoppen. Bitte unterzeichnen Sie unsere Petition.

Artikel auf elstel: Teure Irrwege im Klimaschutz: Agrosprit und kontraproduktive Wasserkraftprojekte

Die Klimabilanz der Biosprit-Produktion und sogar die einiger Wasserkraftprojekte ist negativ; mindestens ebenso schlimm wiegt aber der Verlust an Artenvielfalt; abgesehen von dem Konkurrenzverhältnis des Biosprits zur Nahrungsmittelproduktion.