Reading about the UFO sightings reported by major news agencies like CNN and NYTimes we suppose it to be hardly possible to deny that aliens are here and watching us (see our message from 2019-09-17 or click on update in ViewRSS.php). If they are really here we need to pose the question whether they are just watching us until we would be sufficiently progressed to meet into contact with them or whether they would also try to interfere with our matters. If you have heard of Erich von Daeniken and think about what he says matters become more clearly. He argues that all the major religions here have been invented by and taught to humans by the aliens. His argumentation is well based on historic facts and a new interpretation of religious scriptures. You may best verify it by visiting one of the historic sights on your own like f.i. the old Mayan town of Palenque. However as those in power do not want the public to know this they try to discredit Erich von Daeniken and withhold proofs hard to deny. As far as we can verify it his argumentation and the facts he cites are sound.
If the aliens have brought the religions to the people we need to pose the question of the purpose of their interference. As we do not believe the aliens to be altruistic they likely did so to enforce their own belief and advantage. Their own belief only in the best case as it seems likely that they can also lie at humans to penetrate their own goals. If the aliens would really like to help us they would have told us since long how to do something about the climate crises. They would need to know how to produce sufficient amounts of energy to supply us all. One of the intents of religion seems to be to prevent collective actions and keep humans subducated. Religions want humans to be selfish in deed and care only for a better life after their death (to their own advantage) by not making bad deeds as rebelling or applying force instead. What would be necessary is to join forces with others to solve the very problems we have right here, right now.
Next to Greta Thunberg the Yanomami shaman Davi Kopenawa has won this years Right Livelihood Award (Alternative Nobel Prize). The Yanomami are an indigenous folk living in the area between Brazil and Venezuela. Unfortunately the Yanomami are threatened by illegal gold miners which have invaded their territory. They are threatened directly and by serious amounts of mercury poisoning their drinking water, the fish and the rain forest.
A group of scientists from the university of Graz, Austria has found a promising active substance against skin cancer. Black skin cancer is one of the most malignant types of cancer. Nonetheless if it is cut out soon enough it can be cured well. The Lot-root plant as known from Traditional Chinese Medicine now promises a way to cure the disease even when the skin cancer is cut out too late. Experiments with mice have already been successful.
Organically farmed foodstuffs contribute to water, environmental, climate protection and species conservation. Mineral fertilizers as used with conventional farming methods end up easily in the ground water as they are well soluble in water. Industrial farming causes erosion of the soil. Creation of humus by organic farming improves the quality of the soil, it stores considerable amounts carbon, reduces CO2 in the air and better protects from floods and high water. Organic farming can do largely without poisonous pesticides due to crop rotation, undersown crops and the avoidance of large monocolutures. The article from the Guardian does harshly criticise the high subsidies for meat production relying on huge amounts of imported soy crops which are predominantly genetically manipulated and which cause the clearance of large areas of primeval forests. One pound of meat requires ten times more land than vegetable products. The consumer does not pay the true costs of the large amounts of industrially farmed meat. The huge amounts of manure from industrial livestock farming end up in the ground water of Europe.