little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

ECB: Green Your Bond Buying Activity!

Category: general,
Source: action,
Language: en,
As in the finance crises from 2008 the ECB is massively buying government and corporate bonds to keep interest rates low (Pandemic Emergency Purchase Programme – PEPP). Demand from the ECB that no bonds of fossil fuel and polluting industries are supported! The public should not pay for money given to these companies. Buying corporate bonds is a political decision and those who have savings should not lose their money in favour of gambling or polluting. Demand from Christine Lagarde, a said vocal champion of climate action to take the Green New Deal serious.


Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,
Falls Sie auch diese Woche über das Festnetztelefon nicht durchgekommen sein sollten — das ist durchaus möglich, wenn sich sogar Anrufe aus Telefonzellen umleiten lassen —, dann kommen Sie doch einfach nächste Woche zu mir in meine Wohnung. Sie sind herzlich eingeladen! Falls ich gerade nicht da sein sollte, bin ich im Europapark spazieren.


Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: de,
Leider können wir derzeit keine sichere Kommunikation via Email anbieten. Unser Hoster Dotplex ist hier unkooperativ. Rufen Sie uns deshalb direkt, bevorzugt über Festnetz an. Das Handy kann da leichter sabotiert werden. Sie können aber nicht davon ausgehen, daß wir am Anrufbeantworter hinterlassene Nachrichten auch erhalten, da bei der dafür verwendeten gmail-Adresse offenbar vom Geheimdienst das Paßwort zurückgesetzt worden ist und das Telefon jetzt keinen Zugriff mehr darauf hat. Rufen Sie uns zwischen Dienstag und Donnerstag an. In der Woche nach Ostern ist der Autor wahrscheinlich noch nicht da. Sollte auch das nicht funktionieren, kommen Sie bitte persönlich vorbei (selbes Gebäude wie die Bäckerei gegenüber der Universität, siehe Telefonbuch). Sie können sich über die Gegensprechanlage der Klingel vorstellen.

Info & Action

Category: general,
Source: info,
Link: about:blank,
Language: en,

The victory of the finance lobby

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
In spite of the devastating finance crises in 2008 little or nothing has changed. The high level advisory group for the European Commission set up by Barroso was a group with deep links of the very institutions that caused the crises. The parliament would have had many ideas on how to rein investment funds but new laws are always drafted only by the Commission. There are still no rules for hedge funds. No separation between investment and retail banks like in the US to prevent speculation with people´s savings. Nothing has been done about frivolous bonuses which encourage bankers to take risk. Instead of splitting big banks concentration in teh banking sector was fostered. That way the public will have to pay for bail-outs of banks which are 'too big to fail' again if another crises would come. No financial transaction tax has been introduced to curtail high-speed speculation. There is little hope since France was lobbied at the top of 11 countries willing to introduce a FTT. Selling credits from one bank to another is still or even more a common practice. It is what has lead to the subprime crises in the US in 2008. No European rating agency has been established and rating firms are still paid by those who want to have a rating. The crises in 2008 was triggered by fraudulent ratings. Finally the advisory board of the ECB is full of finance industry representatives and politicians like Jonathan Hill and José Manuel Barroso are examples of politicians rewarded with a well paid job in the finance industry after finishing their political career. The only thing that improved was the supervision and to some extent the capital requirments of banks.