little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Net Neutrality

Category: general,
Source: info,
Link: about:blank,
Language: en,
EU: In a ruling, the ECJ decided that the net neutrality rules apply even if other contractual arrangements are made between mobile operators and users. In the US, however, FCC commissioner Ajit Pai lied that the repeal of net neutrality would have given more people broadband connections [1,2,3,4].

Em que você acredita – em Deus ou na Natureza?

Category: general,
Source: article,
Language: pt,
Como se pode explicar a crença na Natureza, em Deus ou na definibilidade matemática do nosso mundo? Que conexões existem? Um artigo baseado na própria experiência mistica do autor. O que mantém o mundo unido por dentro - agora traducido pelo português.

Ibiza Video

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
In Austria the so called Ibiza video has led to the resignment of Heinz Christian Strache and the end of the coalition with of the ÖVP with the FPÖ party. Here you can read about a new and yet unpublished part of the scandalous video. The Thriving Hunt for 4K/UHD/2160p/HiDPI

Category: techdoc, programs,
Source: LinuxSW,
Language: en,
Helmut Tischer has contributed a script for Debian/Ubuntu that can autmatically download the kernel sources and compile+install the radeon kernel module. It does so without having to compile the whole kernel from scratch.