little monkey

by Elws. Starnight

Hydrogen Mobililty

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
The efficiency factor of the electrolysis of water is as low as that of a combustion engine: 30%. Nonetheless we will not suffice without hydrogen mobility. Only 50% of the electricity need can be produced within Germany when a sustainable transport system is to be realized.

We can do without F-gases

Category: general,
Source: info,
Link: about:blank,
Language: en,
Pure fluorinated gases are fortunately not harmful to the ozon layer like FCKWs; however they are super greenhouse gases. Sulfurhexafluorid SF6, used as isolation gas in the distribution of electrical current is 24,000 times more harmful than CO2 and the most aggressive greenhouse gas of the world. Nonetheless natural alternatives like CO2, ammoniac or propane exist. The EU prescribes a stepwise exit from F-gases. Many producers go for hydrofluorinated lefines which are unsaturized organic fluorine compounds. HFO freezing agents have a low greenhouse potential and do not harm the ozone layer. However they have persistent breakdown products like trifluorine-acetic-acid TFA which are accumulating in the environment. They can already be detected in beer and wine. Health impacts unknown. The use of these substances, which are likely harmful, does thus violate the precautionary principle as established in the EU. The europe-wide exit from F-gases until 2030 can save 100 million tons of CO2 equivalents. A worldwide changeover to unharmful, natural alternatives would be desirable. Heat pumps as needed for the fight against climate change should also do without the saturized, greenhouse effective FKWs.

COP26 / EU bonds: Nuclear Power is Not Green!

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
The EU is placing “green bonds” since October. A total of 37% of the investment volume is dedicated to the achievement of climate goals. Overall, the bonds make up 30% of the Corona Aid Package of the EU. On the other side the remaining 63% may also includes investments in fossil gas. However it is not even clarified yet, whether nuclear power or fossil gas shall be considered sustainable at all. Although gas pipelines are easily retrofitted for hydrogen, their initial purpose is always the carriage of a fossil fuel. Nuclear power can not be considered green at all. The technology is neither CO2-neutral, because from mining up to final disposal greenhouse gases are emitted, thus at least CO2-low, nor can nuclear power be considered economic in any way without public subsidies. Every euro for nuclear power is missing for renewables. … Aging nuclear power plants provide an increasing danger, the problem of final disposal can not be managed unharmful, while uranium mining contaminates whole landscapes. France is for a revival of nuclear power and even wants to see it as issue at the global climate conference. In Europe France seeks for allies like Poland and the Czech Republic to influence the EU Commission. However it meets a decisive resistance by Austria and now after coming green government participation in full extent also by Germany.

Bolsonaro / uncontacted tribes in Brazil and Peru

Category: general,
Source: action,
Link: about:blank,
Language: en,

Environmentalists from Allrise, Austria have filed a lawsuit at the international criminal court in The Hague and accuse Bolsonaro of crimes against humanity because of his policy of destroying the rainforest. Deutsche Umwelthife supports the lawsuit because of the devastating effects on the climate (Artikel auf, DUH, German Environment Help: Petition auf

link: Interview with Greenpeace forest expert Oliver Salge on the political situation in Brazil, timeline: Mercosur, Brazil, the Amazon and We

Alternative Web Browsers

Category: general,
Source: info,
Language: en,
The bloatware browsers Google Chrome, Firefox, MS Edge and Safari being widely in use are a security nightmare. Desillusioned developers speak out at the debian-security mailing list. More bugs are moved in every day than can ever be found by security personnel. With an arbitrary code execution bug an attacker can take full control over the victim's computer (privilege escalation presupposed). That is why we wanna present a selection of small and beautifuly web browsers for Linux that do not implement unnecessary things: surf, midori and epiphany. Those who like it very secure can also test one of the textmode browsers. Qutebrowser should also be worth a recommendation to us.